Well, it might seem impossible, but it’s not, it’s not a piece of cake but sure thing you can be consistent in your workouts while having a full time job!
You care for your health and well-being and you may be like many of us, struggling with having consistents workout routines and your full-time job, I’ll give you some really good tips to help you do it properly without getting too exhausted or burnout.
Have a Soft beginning.

A lot of people start their workout routines the very first day by working out for 1:30 hours or even 2:00 and that’s not completely bad, otherwise, you won’t get your abs you might think, but the truth is that it’ll only turn out on you to be so sore the next day that you won’t even want to move.
In addition to that, you’ll find that particularly workout so hard and with so much soreness that you wouldn’t want to work-out the next day; so involuntarily you’ll be sabotaging yourself by making a bad decision.
Try this:
- If you’re a really active person and have workout before, you could start by exercising for 30 minutes the first day, or even less, you could try 15 minutes daily on your first week and then add another 15 minutes on the second week until you reach the amount of time you want to workout daily. Doing it like that it’ll have a less aggressive impact on your body.
Think this:
- Exercise for 15 minutes daily it’s WAY BETTER than not exercising at all

Pick the schedule that best suits you!

This is a really important one when it comes to consistency, you might find it great to do a morning workout, and I know you feel invigorating, full of energy, ready to deal with anything when you do it, but if that’s not the best timing for you, you’ll end up not doing your workouts.
You’re probably like a lot of us who have to be up real early to get to work on time or to let a few things ready before heading to our jobs, so maybe morning workouts won’t be the best choice.
Try this:
- Set up morning and an afternoon schedule and try them separately, of course, at least for an entire week. (You could even do a night workout schedule, although I don’t like it much you’ll see why on the next tip). That way you’ll know which schedule suits you best.
Think This:
- Having a daily working out routine helps you to be more productive, improve your health and your mood. (I read endorphins even help you to get butterflies on your stomach when you’re falling in love… ;))

This one you must know; you’ve got to rest! Especially you that have to deal with a lot on a daily basis (boss babe, full-time worker) you’ve got to let your body rest. Think of it as if it were a baking machine, for example, what will happen if you leave it on for a whole day? It will burnout, right? Well, our body it’s like a machine, a more awesome marvelous one, but still, you have to take care of it.
Try this:
- Sleep at least 8 hours and then think of the time left to distribute when you’re going to workout
Think this:
- If you don’t rest enough between your daily hustle and working out, you’ll only end up sick. This is a fact, you won’t gain any muscle and you’ll look so tired all the time, getting out of exercise the opposite of what you were looking for.
Listen to your body

Listen to what your body tells you, I know that you want to workout, you might be working out regularly, but you know that there are some days that you feel so tired that you won’t be able to finish your routine or even get it started, and that’s ok too. That’s super ok!
Your trainer doesn’t know your body the way that you do, not even a fitness influencer you follow on social media and is yelling at you through the screen “Keep doing it, do not give up”; unfortunately, there are certain moments that you have to give up even if it’s just a little.

Try this:
- Whenever you’re feeling too tired to do your normal work-out routine do something light like just stretching or Pilates. It’ll help you not to feel guilty about resting that day

Think this:
- If you don’t listen to your own body no one will. And I’m not trying to be mean is a pure truth. Others will treat you with the same respect that you give to yourself, so take care of yourself and listen to your body!
- Have a soft beginning
- Pick the best schedule for you
- Rest
- Listen to your body
Like I read once in a magazine “time will pass by anyways [Three months will pass whether you work-out or not] it’s your choice to let it pass by taking the best out of you”.