Having a clean and great-looking room sometimes can be hard, especially if you’re always in a rush, have a full-time job, or just not that into cleaning. It doesn’t mean you don’t get to do important stuff, you actually do and by taking care of what seems more important first you get cleaning aside, so by the time you realize, all those not cleaning days give you a great number of things to do the day you choose for it.
I’ve always looked for a weekly cleaning plant that helps me tackle cleaning and organization one day at a time; it could sound silly because we all have this concept that you should devote one entire day to cleaning your bedroom for example. But with our really busy lives and all the daily stress if we get to have a free day we definitely do not want to spend it cleaning.
So here I’ve compiled all the things you could do day by day in order to clean your bedroom and keep it that way. Have in mind this is just a guide, you can choose to do a specific chore on a different day.
Dust off your Surfaces.

You may think this one is not that important but you’ll be amazed by the amount of dust a surface can get in a week, even less. So, dusting off will help keep your space clean and fresh.
Surfaces to consider:
- Drawer
- Headboard
- Windows
- Door (and doorknobs)
- Mirrors and hanging art on your walls
- Nightstand
- Lamps
I know It sounds like a lot, but it’ll only take you like 20 minutes to do it, remember you’re only dusting off today.
Clean your floor.

Whether if you have to vacuum, sweep, or mop. It’s an easy task, and it’ll only take you about 20 minutes. You’ll be only doing this so focus and do it the best you can. (Don’t forget about the closet area).
And the end you’ll be really satisfied with two things:
- Having your bedroom floor clean
- Putting a checkmark on this task.
Do a little Laundry

I’m not suggesting you should do a lot, just pick one color, which could be your whites, black, your jeans (you could even choose your towels, bedsheets), etc. Just pick one, gather all the dirty clothes of the color you chose, and put them in the laundry machine. If you have a lot of whites and don’t want to deal with it, just pick some pieces and get them clean. By doing this weekly the number of dirty clothes will decrease and you’ll have all your clothes clean at any time.
For today try to focus only on the pieces you chose and get them clean and dry.
Organize the clean clothes.

Just take the clothes you cleaned yesterday and put them in place. Hang the ones that go to your closet and fold the ones to put on your drawer. Here’s a hack on how to have your drawer organized.
Organize your shoe rack & Get things in their place

Like the last day of the week and, having done with the workweek, put everything in its place, and if it doesn’t have any make one for it. Put your purse, coat, shoes, jewelry, etc. where it belongs.
Organize your shoe rack, clean any of them that got dirt on so you can keep them clean.
Saturday & Sunday

Take your weekend and rest or do whatever you please. You’ve worked the whole week to keep your room clean and organized, so enjoy it now.
If you think you have to do a major cleaning after this week, go ahead and do it. The best of all is that this cleaning process will get softer and easier with time, you’ll do it quickly because you’ll have fewer things to clean every week.