In the decorative process, selecting your color palette is comparable to the characters in a movie, you will have
the main actor and one or two supporting actors. In this case, the main color will be the protagonist of your color
palette, around which will be other secondary colors of tones and shades similar to your base color.
The most attractive color scheme is the one with two to four colors and one or two colors unrelated to your
palette whose hues play the role of accentuating and enlivening.
How can you select these colors?
There are many ways to do this successfully:
1. Choose color combinations that you feel comfortable with.
It is nothing new that many people have always dreamed of a room in shades of green and blue or a room in
gray and pink; These are colors that make us feel comfortable, so it is natural and understandable that when
choosing your color palette, you decide to follow this branch.

2. Select colors that are in fashion.
The colors that are at the forefront are generally colors chosen by famous designers and although it is a safe,
modern, and visually very attractive option, these trends generally disappear as soon as they appear; but you
can take it as an example of what certain color combinations look like.

3. Follow nature
This is a more fun and long-lasting method. Nature is a great reference for ideas in this regard. From the flowers,
fruits, vegetables, the plumage of the birds all this reveals the infallible hand of nature when harmonizing
Look at some images throught the web, choose a color palette generator, there are plenty of options and are s
uper easy to use. Coolors.co for example is a really fun and easy one to use.

4. Paintings
We all have one or more favorite paintings, either because we own them or because we admire the artist behind
them. Well, paintings can be of great help in the search for your color palette, painters are the greatest
specialists in color and have an instinctive style to choose colors and form beautiful combinations.

5. Take a rug as a base
It can be a carpet, a wallpaper or your curtains. Choose one of these pieces and make it the center of your
decoration. This is a method used by many designers, they choose a carpet with a pattern in different colors or
shades of the same color and make it the focal point of the decoration by making the other elements revolve
around the colors already established by the carpet, curtains or the item of your choice.

It is important to select colors well, as colors have a tremendous effect on our mood and well-being; although of course these will not be the only colors you will use or the only decorative plan you will have for your home.
But it is super important that while you leave your house day after day to work hard, to do your best to fulfill your dreams and your goals, you have a cozy place that invites you to rest and that makes you feel satisfied.
That can be achieved, and to do it you must make wise decisions; Every day we think about things that in the
past we could have done better, but let’s not make painting one of them.