Here I bring you a lot of office nook ideas you can copy. See the style, why, and what you like about it, and try to incorporate those elements into your nook.
It could be a shelve, a board, how to organize is the surface of the desk a file cabinet, or even the art on the wall; open your mind and even if you think that you could only add a few elements and it won’t make any difference, do it anyway, you’ll see that at the end it will make your space look better, more refined and on the way to becoming your perfect nook.
1. Office and Floating Desk
Made by Katie Lamb in blog.katielamb.com she gives all the references of the elements used in that office nook. So go ahead and try some.
2. Corner Office
Most of office nook are in a corner. Try to take advantage of as much space as possible, making it feel comfortable so it can ease your mood out and help you be more productive at what you do there.

3. Ladder Style Desk
This ladder idea is super cool the fact that you can both save space and have some shelves to add decorative elements it’s definetely what we’re looking for when having an office nook.

4. Closet Office

5. Semi-formal Home Office

6. Other Options